Review References - MIE 2024
[1] Amangeldy N, Saule K, Kassymova A, Karipzhanova A, Razakhova B, Kuralov S. Sign Language Recognition Method Based on Palm Definition Model and Multiple Classification. Sensors. 2022;22(17):6621.
[2] Ballenger S. Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals in Informational and Educational Remote Sessions. Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits. 2022;16(2):45-55.
[3] de Saille S, Kipnis E, Potter S, Cameron D, Webb CJR, Winter P, et al. Improving Inclusivity in Robotics Design: An Exploration of Methods for Upstream Co-Creation. Front Robot AI. 2022;9:731006.
[4] Drolshagen S, Pfingsthorn M, Gliesche P, Hein A. Acceptance of Industrial Collaborative Robots by People With Disabilities in Sheltered Workshops. Front Robot AI. 2020;7:541741.
[5] ElGibreen H, Ghada Al A, AlMegren R, AlEid R, AlQahtani S. Telepresence Robot System for People with Speech or Mobility Disabilities. Sensors. 2022;22(22):8746.
[6] [Goswami T, Javaji SR, Nagwanshi KK, editors. Framework for Voice-controlled AI Teaching Assistant for Specially-abled. 2023 3rd International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP); 2023 2023/03/18/20.
[7] Guerra BMV, Ramat S, Beltrami G, Schmid M. Automatic Pose Recognition for Monitoring Dangerous Situations in Ambient-Assisted Living. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020;8:415.
[8] Gupta S, Chen Y. Supporting Inclusive Learning Using Chatbots? A Chatbot-Led Interview Study. Journal of Information Systems Education. 2022;33(1):98-108.
[9] Herbuela VRDM, Karita T, Furukawa Y, Wada Y, Toya A, Senba S, et al. Machine learning-based classification of the movements of children with profound or severe intellectual or multiple disabilities using environment data features. PLoS ONE. 2022;17(6):32.
[10] Ingavélez-Guerra P, Robles-Bykbaev V, Otón S, Vera-Rea P, Galán-Men J, Ulloa-Amaya M, et al., editors. A proposal based on knowledge modeling and ontologies to support the accessibility evaluation process of learning objects. 2018 Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informática y Desarrollos de Investigación (CACIDI); 2018 2018/11/28/30.
[11] Lanzillotta M, Ma R, Accardi M, RaviChandran N, Zaernia A, Youseffi M, et al. Neuroevolutionary intelligent system to aid diagnosis of motor impairments in children. Applied Intelligence. 2022;52(9):10757-67.
[12] Mariño BDR, RodríGuez-FóRtiz MJ, Torres MVH, Haddad HM. Accessibility and Activity-Centered Design for ICT Users: ACCESIBILITIC Ontology. IEEE Access. 2018;6:60655-65.
[13] Mateos-Sanchez M, Amparo Casado M, Laura Sánchez B, Fermoso García AM. Chatbot, as Educational and Inclusive Tool for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Sustainability. 2022;14(3):1520.
[14] Muñoz JGS, Verdugo AIdC, González EG, Bringas JAS, Garcia MP, editors. Programming by Voice Assistance Tool for Physical Impairment Patients Classified in to Peripheral Neuropathy Centered on Arms or Hands Movement Difficulty. 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE); 2019 2019/11/30/Oct.-1.
[15] Namoun A, Adnan Ahmed Abi S, Tufail A, Alshanqiti A, Nawaz W, BenRhouma O. A Two-Phase Machine Learning Framework for Context-Aware Service Selection to Empower People with Disabilities. Sensors. 2022;22(14):5142.
[16] Petrunina E, Istomina T, Istomin V, Trub N, Murashkina T, Shubin I, editors. Intelligent Information and Measurement System of Monitoring Results and BFB-Trainings. 2020 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT); 2020 2020/03/11/13.
[17] Raja Vora J, Helmi A, Zhan C, Olivares E, Vu T, Wilkey M, et al. Influence of a Socially Assistive Robot on Physical Activity, Social Play Behavior, and Toy-Use Behaviors of Children in a Free Play Environment: A Within-Subjects Study. Front Robot AI. 2021;8:768642.
[18] Rivas-Pérez T, Meza-Vega A, Mora-Lezcano V, Palacio-Amador D, Chacón-Rivas M, editors. EULER - Mathematical Editing by Voice Input for People with Visual Impairment. 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE); 2019 2019/11/30/Oct.-1.
[19] Rocha JM, Luna JC, Monacelli E, Foggea G, Passedouet M, Delaplace S, et al., editors. Dance Gestures Recognition for Wheelchair Control. 2023 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE); 2023 2023/04/21/23.
[2] Ballenger S. Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals in Informational and Educational Remote Sessions. Assistive Technology Outcomes & Benefits. 2022;16(2):45-55.
[3] de Saille S, Kipnis E, Potter S, Cameron D, Webb CJR, Winter P, et al. Improving Inclusivity in Robotics Design: An Exploration of Methods for Upstream Co-Creation. Front Robot AI. 2022;9:731006.
[4] Drolshagen S, Pfingsthorn M, Gliesche P, Hein A. Acceptance of Industrial Collaborative Robots by People With Disabilities in Sheltered Workshops. Front Robot AI. 2020;7:541741.
[5] ElGibreen H, Ghada Al A, AlMegren R, AlEid R, AlQahtani S. Telepresence Robot System for People with Speech or Mobility Disabilities. Sensors. 2022;22(22):8746.
[6] [Goswami T, Javaji SR, Nagwanshi KK, editors. Framework for Voice-controlled AI Teaching Assistant for Specially-abled. 2023 3rd International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP); 2023 2023/03/18/20.
[7] Guerra BMV, Ramat S, Beltrami G, Schmid M. Automatic Pose Recognition for Monitoring Dangerous Situations in Ambient-Assisted Living. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020;8:415.
[8] Gupta S, Chen Y. Supporting Inclusive Learning Using Chatbots? A Chatbot-Led Interview Study. Journal of Information Systems Education. 2022;33(1):98-108.
[9] Herbuela VRDM, Karita T, Furukawa Y, Wada Y, Toya A, Senba S, et al. Machine learning-based classification of the movements of children with profound or severe intellectual or multiple disabilities using environment data features. PLoS ONE. 2022;17(6):32.
[10] Ingavélez-Guerra P, Robles-Bykbaev V, Otón S, Vera-Rea P, Galán-Men J, Ulloa-Amaya M, et al., editors. A proposal based on knowledge modeling and ontologies to support the accessibility evaluation process of learning objects. 2018 Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Informática y Desarrollos de Investigación (CACIDI); 2018 2018/11/28/30.
[11] Lanzillotta M, Ma R, Accardi M, RaviChandran N, Zaernia A, Youseffi M, et al. Neuroevolutionary intelligent system to aid diagnosis of motor impairments in children. Applied Intelligence. 2022;52(9):10757-67.
[12] Mariño BDR, RodríGuez-FóRtiz MJ, Torres MVH, Haddad HM. Accessibility and Activity-Centered Design for ICT Users: ACCESIBILITIC Ontology. IEEE Access. 2018;6:60655-65.
[13] Mateos-Sanchez M, Amparo Casado M, Laura Sánchez B, Fermoso García AM. Chatbot, as Educational and Inclusive Tool for People with Intellectual Disabilities. Sustainability. 2022;14(3):1520.
[14] Muñoz JGS, Verdugo AIdC, González EG, Bringas JAS, Garcia MP, editors. Programming by Voice Assistance Tool for Physical Impairment Patients Classified in to Peripheral Neuropathy Centered on Arms or Hands Movement Difficulty. 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE); 2019 2019/11/30/Oct.-1.
[15] Namoun A, Adnan Ahmed Abi S, Tufail A, Alshanqiti A, Nawaz W, BenRhouma O. A Two-Phase Machine Learning Framework for Context-Aware Service Selection to Empower People with Disabilities. Sensors. 2022;22(14):5142.
[16] Petrunina E, Istomina T, Istomin V, Trub N, Murashkina T, Shubin I, editors. Intelligent Information and Measurement System of Monitoring Results and BFB-Trainings. 2020 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT); 2020 2020/03/11/13.
[17] Raja Vora J, Helmi A, Zhan C, Olivares E, Vu T, Wilkey M, et al. Influence of a Socially Assistive Robot on Physical Activity, Social Play Behavior, and Toy-Use Behaviors of Children in a Free Play Environment: A Within-Subjects Study. Front Robot AI. 2021;8:768642.
[18] Rivas-Pérez T, Meza-Vega A, Mora-Lezcano V, Palacio-Amador D, Chacón-Rivas M, editors. EULER - Mathematical Editing by Voice Input for People with Visual Impairment. 2019 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE); 2019 2019/11/30/Oct.-1.
[19] Rocha JM, Luna JC, Monacelli E, Foggea G, Passedouet M, Delaplace S, et al., editors. Dance Gestures Recognition for Wheelchair Control. 2023 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE); 2023 2023/04/21/23.